
Prepare a memorandum for upper management of company

Memorandum Regarding Negotiations with Japanese and Chinese Companies

Considerations when negotiating business with Japanese

Negotiation with Japanese company representative

Negotiation with Chinese company representatives


After reviewing the three videoslisted above, prepare a memorandum for your company's upper management regarding negotiations with foreign customers and suppliers. You have recently received videos of meetings your company's sales employees have conducted with Japanese and Chinese businesses.You are writing to briefly inform senior management of what has happened.Based upon these descriptions, your memo will propose standard employee behaviors in negotiations as well as immediate remedies to the problems you have seen.
Remember your audience; cover all of the issues but get to the point.

Formatting and Delivery:

1) First, read the requirementsforcreating a memorandum (memo) in the file "Memo Description - Purdue Owl" in the Assignment folder on Blackboard.

2) Following corrections, rewrite the memo to incorporate any changes.

3) The memo should involve the following.

a) Use block format for your paragraphs (example: for a two paragraph comparison, discuss one subject in the first paragraph and the other, in the second)

Total memolength should not be more than 2 pages.

b) Spelling, grammar, punctuation, and other "mechanics" count! Revise, proofread, edit.

4) Do not copy / paste from other sources; this is to be written by you.


The ideal essay should provide a brief summary of the situation, stating the problem, its causes and proposed solutions; these solutions must be stated in a brief manner. Consolidate your proposals where the situations recorded in the videos are similar. Your memo should also consider key points raised in the class discussions.

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Other Subject: Prepare a memorandum for upper management of company
Reference No:- TGS0553806

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