
Prepare a journal - explorer travel and tour - prepare

Prepare a JOURNAL - Explorer Travel And Tour

Prepare journal according to presentation.

Write the topics

You need to prepare the JOURNAL ONLY

Reason for choosing this business: Foreseeing the increasing scope for tourism in Oman.

Marketing Plan:

Tourism is travel for leisure or business.
Oman is a booming market for Tourism as government has been promoting tourism recently.

(Journal of Minutes of Meetings)

The project management should form a time log of meetings which details how various roles and tasks have been allocated, research undertaken and the analysis and evaluation of your findings, the ongoing development of the contents of the Business Plan and an explanation of how the contents were determined.

As part of the project management, the group leader will assign member of the group to assess the performance of each member of the group in each week and submit the weekly peer assessment to the tutor. This is to be marked out of 100%. The final average mark will indicate what percentage will be given to individual member of each group to the mark awarded by the tutor for the module consisting of the business plan, presentation and project management.

Both the peer assessment summarized by the group leader of your partnership group together with the journal of minutes of your project management meetings must be handed in with your final business plan and marketing plan.

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Business Management: Prepare a journal - explorer travel and tour - prepare
Reference No:- TGS02568132

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