
Prepare a handout for your peers on the concept with


Presentation and Paper: Mathematical concepts- curriculum resources

Referencing- APA style

Part A) Fact sheet (up to 800 words)
- In this assessment, you will:

  • In consultation with subject academic, select a maths concept to investigate
  • Based on your selected topic prepare a handout for your peers on the concept with resources, learning experiences and related learning outcomes.

Part B) 15-minute presentation on mathematical concept, cognitive development (birth-8), curriculum and teaching (birth-8).
- In this assessment, you will:

  • Explain the concept and introduce the importance of the concept for young children's learning and development.
  • Identify the cognitive and mathematical development milestones of babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, primary school children (foundation level) and primary school children (stage 1) for the concept.
  • Describe the design of five learning experiences that educators could use to teach each of the following ages; babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, primary school children (foundation level) and primary school children (stage 1), the selected concept.
  • For each learning experience identify the specific concepts, learning outcomes, dispositions and skills that will be developed.
  • For each learning experience, identify the preparation required, how the activity will be delivered to the children and teaching strategies you will need to use to complete the activity
  • Part C) 10-minute practical experience on a mathematical concept
  • - In this assessment, you will:
  • Select one of your suggested learning experiences and deliver this experience as your presentation to your peers.

Marking criteria

High distinction
 Writing utilises an exceptional level of academic language
 Writing structure is outstanding with fluency, correct grammar, spelling and sentence structure utilised.
 Extensive use of literature and research.
Writing is always referenced correctly
 Information is outstanding with innovative use of multimedia
 Innovative engagement with the audience and shows exceptional evidence of organisation and rehearsal.
 Presenter's eye contact, articulation and voice projection is exceptional.
 Identifies cognitive development skills and concepts with associated experiences in innovative ways
 Identifies mathematical, concepts with associated experiences in innovative way
 Organises innovative experiences for exploring mathematical concepts
 Develops innovative strategies to promote positive learning dispositions
Prescribed and compulsory textbook: MacDonald, A., & Rafferty, J. (2015). Investigating mathematics, science and technology in early childhood. Melbourne: Oxford University Press.

Charlesworth, R. (2016). Math and science for young children (8th ed.). Boston: Cengage Learning.

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Mathematics: Prepare a handout for your peers on the concept with
Reference No:- TGS02272853

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