Elise Dubois is single, has no dependents, and lives at 55855 Ridge Drive in Lafayette, LA 70593. Her social security number is 412-34.5670 (date of birth 3/15/1982)
Her W-2 contained the following information:
Wages (box 1) $ 48,965.25
Federal W/H (box 2) $ 4,876.24
Social security wages (box 3) $ 48,965.25
Social security W/H (box 4)$3,035.85
Medicare wages (box 5) 48,965.25
Medicare W/H (box 6)$710.00
She has gambling winnings of $1,050 and the following expenses:
State income taxes $ 3,200
Real estate property taxes 1,150
Medical expenses 6,400
Charitable cash contributions
(no single contribution was more than $250) 450
Mortgage interest expense 5,605
Personal property taxes 720
Gambling losses 1,235
Prepare a Form 1040 with a Schedule 1 and Schedule A for Elise using any appropriate worksheets. Use the appropriate Tax Tables 2022.