
Prepare a disaster recover plan about natural disaster give

Assignment: Disaster Recover Plan

We have discussed many Computer Science topics this semester. One of the topics that we covered was the idea of a Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP), focusing on not only what it is but why it is important. This ?rst came up in chapter 2 and was formally de?ned as: A written plan for responding to natural or other disasters, intended to minimize downtime and damage to systems and data. You can also ?nd more information about DRPs by viewing the following PDF ?les, which are attached to this assignment:

• Sungard Recovery Services and Business Continuity Management
• The University of Arizona, Tuscon Disaster Recovery Subcommittee

For this project I'm going to give you two types of disasters that you would potentially have to recover from. You will select one of the disasters, and you will need to create a recovery plan for recovering from that type of disaster. The document is worth a total of 100 points, with the value for each section clearly labeled in the grading section of this document.

Choose from one of the following types of incidents:

• Natural disaster
• Maintenance or Feature update to software

1. Title page:

- Project Title
- Company Name
- Your Name

2. Plan Sections:

1. Introduction and Scope - In this section you will provide a clear de?nition for what this plan is intended to recover from and which state you are going to recover to.

2. Team Members

- List in detail here each member of the team. You should include fake names, titles, and brief job descriptions.

3. Recovery Steps

- This section should include each of the steps needed to recover from the disaster. It should also detail which team member is responsible for completing each step.

- This should be in the form of a checklist so that you can track when each step is complete.

4. Testing the Recovery Plan

- What steps are needed to ensure that the recovery will work?

3. Overall document look and feel:

- Is there a company logo?
- Is it easy to ?nd the section and information you are looking for?

4. Clear writing:

- Are your sentences well-written and easily understood?
- Did you use the proper terms you learned this semester?

5. Creativity:

- When I read these documents, those that earn the highest points in this section will include enough details to demonstrate that the project was well thought through and include enough detail to design it well.

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Dissertation: Prepare a disaster recover plan about natural disaster give
Reference No:- TGS02703041

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