
Prepare a current annual report for apple teams can



1. The project will be completed in teams of up to 3 or individually. Each team must select a U.S. corporation that is publicly traded on a major U.S. stock exchange. This company must have been traded publicly for at least one year. Teams may not use financial institutions, holding companies or investment firms for their company.


2. After selecting a company, the team may need to obtain a copy of their most current Annual Report. The list of approved companies includes many companies that post a copy of their annual report to their web site (usually as a .pdf or html file). A printed .pdf file of an annual report is acceptable. The annual report for the company selected must be turned in with Part II of the Course Project.

3. Teams will download documents including the most recent:

• Quarterly report (Form 10-Q)
• Proxy statement (DEF-14A)
• Form 10-K

Note that you only need print the Executive Compensation table from the Proxy Statement (DEF 14A).

Teams can download the company filings from the SEC EDGAR ("electronic data gathering and analysis") database.

Go to the Securities and Exchange Commission home page (www.sec.gov), and select "Search for Company Filings" to go to the EDGAR database. Select "Companies and Other Filers" and enter the company name.

4. Teams must use the internet to find the daily closing stock price and the number of shares traded for the common shares of their company and plot the last 12 months for both. A useful site to obtain this information is: https://finance.yahoo.com. Select "Chart" and enter the ticker symbol in the "symbol lookup". Select "Historical Quotes: daily" at the bottom of the page. The historical prices are shown, with an option to download to a spreadsheet at the bottom of the page.

Download the daily closing prices and volume of shares traded into a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel). Use the graph function to plot the PRICES and SHARES traded each day into two charts. You must prepare the charts yourself to receive full credit. Copying an existing graph is not acceptable.The last page of this handout provides an example of the two charts.

5. The course project will be completed in two parts. For Part I teams answer the questions shown on the form provided below. In addition to the questions, teams will submit the following materials for Part I:

• Two charts: daily closing stock prices and number of shares traded each day for the last twelve months
• A copy of the Executive Compensation Table from the proxy statement (DEF 14A)
• A copy of the most recent quarterly report (10-Q) financial statements and notes only.

6. For Part II teams answer the questions shown on the form provided below and prepare a memo.The memo must be type written, using one-inch margins, single spacing and 12 point font. In addition to providing answers to the questions, students will submit the following materials for Part II:

• Memo to potential investors(here we explain the number of competitors or the industry average to explain the size of our company's (apple) number size. We need to make 3- 4 comparisons with Apple and one of their competitors (Samsung, Microsoft, etc... for example), comparisons about profits, sells, numbers) and
• The original annual report or partial Form10-K.

7. Additional administrative requirements:

• Do not turn in this page.
• Fasten loose pages and documents together.
• Keep a copy of your reports as a precaution.

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Financial Accounting: Prepare a current annual report for apple teams can
Reference No:- TGS01365207

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