As we discussed, please prepare a critical book review on one of these 4 books.
• Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook: How to Tell Your Story in a Noisy, Social World - by Gary Vaynerchuk - October 2013 - Kindle Edition $18.99
• A World Gone Social: How Companies Must Adapt to Survive - Ted COINE and Mark Babbitt - Kindle Edition $9.99
• Youtility: Why Smart Marketing is About Help not Hype (2014) - by Jay Baer - Kindle Edition $20.99
• The Art of Social Media: Power Tips for Power Users - by Guy Kawasaki and Peg Fitzpatrick - Kindle Edition $13.99
The report should be 3.5 to 4 pages in length (double spaced, 12 pt text).
The report should present a summary of the key elements in the book (demonstrating that you have read it) plus a critique (your opinion) of its value to you as a student and practitioner of digital marketing and why.