
Prepare a brief summary of the analysis and key findings

Assignment: Credit Analysis:

Assuming the role of an entering corporate officer, complete a credit analysis for the company that was selected for the Company Analysis Project based on the Week 5, Week 6, and Week 7 assigned readings and other materials that can be located.

This analysis should reflect a review of a at least a three-year period of fiscal years ending with the most recently published Form 10K report.

Writing Instructions:

The discussion portion of the analysis should be three to five pages in length, double spaced, and should employ APA style and format for reference citations. Supporting data (e.g., figures, tables, etc.) and references should be limited to four separate items preferably presented in the written analysis.

Required Organization of Paper:

The following subheadings are to be used and the following topics must be addressed in the paper:

Presentation of the Credit Analysis - Develop and present the basic credit analysis for the company.

It is necessary to prepare and incorporate a table (tables are always numbered, titled, and show the source of the information) of the relevant criteria being examined in the credit analysis and their present status. Make sure that the criteria cover the 5 C's of credit analysis. Additional information can be included in the table. These data are to be presented in a table (numbered and titled and that shows the sources). The data are then to be discussed and explained in an accompanying written analysis.

Strengths and Weaknesses Analysis - This section needs to present a careful analysis of the strengths and weaknesses demonstrated by the credit analysis. This section needs to conclude with a paragraph or two that explain and interpret what the analysis means on an overall basis and as the observations and conclusions are considered collectively.

Summary - Prepare a brief summary of the analysis and key findings.

References - Must clearly demonstrate use of a variety of the assigned readings and supplemental material.

Completeness of analysis:

The analysis must demonstrate understanding of credit analysis. Use of academic and professional databases, business periodicals, analyst reports, and news articles, such as those in the UMUC library, must be included in this company accounting analysis.


The paper should be well-organized and follow a logical pattern of analysis and discussion.

Presentation: Papers should meet professional business standards and meet APA formatting requirements.

Spelling, punctuation, and grammar:

There should not be errors in grammar and punctuation. All sentences must be complete and well-structured.

Submission and Format: The completed paper is to be submitted to the "Gradebook" location designated for the assignment. The paper must be in Word format otherwise no credit is earned for the assignment.

The paper is also to be submitted to the Online Classroom. This will allow students to examine and discuss the various projects.

Bank credit analysts have traditionally referred to the five Cs of credit analysis: capacity, character, capital, collateral, and conditions.


Capacity refers to the borrower's legal and financial capacity to borrow. The first consideration is to verify Vonage is capable of borrowing. By comparing the current assets and current liabilities for the current ratio a bank can measure the ability for Vonage to repay a loan. After analyzing Vonage's financial statements from 2014 to 2016 fluctuatedbut remained under 1.0. Lower than 1.0 means Vonage could have problems in meeting loan obligations. The difference between 2014 and 2015 could indicate that there could have been a hold on too much of the inventories that could not be sold and too much cash on hand which may have been hard to utilize.

Table 3A

Current Ratio








When it comes to capital, a company must have sufficient equity. When a company has sufficient equity there is cushion to withstand a failure in the inability to generate cash flow. The balance sheet

Table 3B





Current Ratio




Quick Ratio




Return on Equity








Attachment:- Table_Fiancial_Ratio.rar

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Corporate Finance: Prepare a brief summary of the analysis and key findings
Reference No:- TGS02272457

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