
Prepare a brief powerpoint presentation- a succinct


The goal of this project is to synthesize what you have learned about your chosen conservation effort from the experiential exercise in Discussion Board Forums 1 and 4. You will prepare a brief PowerPoint presentation that you could deliver to a lay audience in approximately 5 minutes. Your aim is to convince this audience to adopt a given conservation effort. Your recommendations must be based on scholarly, peer-reviewed literature, and your presentation must include the following:

1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Current research/statistics
4. Available opportunities for conservation applications (This can be specific to your locale.)
5. Biblical rationale (Can be integrated throughout; does not have to be separate slide.)
6. Recommendations
7. References

A succinct presentation of information is fundamental to public health communication. Your final product must be 5-10 slides with a 45-60-second narration per slide. You can choose to record narration for each slide or type the narrative script into the notes section of each slide. The following are some recommendations for a professional presentation:

1. Use 1 PowerPoint design, color scheme, font type, and bullet type throughout.
2. Do not overload slides.
a. Keep information concise.
b. Use bullet points.
c. Keep font 30 pt or larger.
3. Use relevant images.
4. Develop a 45-60-second narration for each slide, either through audio or typed script.
5. Reference using current AMA format.

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Other Subject: Prepare a brief powerpoint presentation- a succinct
Reference No:- TGS01539744

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