
Prepare a 6-7 minutes long presentations that have some

Prepare a 6-7 minutes long Presentations that have some sort of visual aid (power point, short video clips, pictures up on the projector). In your presentation you should do 3 things.

1) Introduce your topic. Why are you interested in it? Why did you choose it? Do you have any past experience with the topic or issue that you've chosen?

2) Explain why your topic is important? Why should your classmates care about it? What's at stake with the information you are presenting? You have question you are trying to answer, why are you trying to answer it (beyond fulfilling the assignment)? and

3) State your research question and discuss the sources you have and how they are helping you answer that question.

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Other Subject: Prepare a 6-7 minutes long presentations that have some
Reference No:- TGS01384485

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