
Prepare a 1000 words paper not counting title page that


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Watch the following you tube video titled: RSA ANIMATE: Drive: "The surprising truth about what motivates us".

Daniel Pink, the author of Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us put together this RSA Animate and has some very interesting perspectives on motivating the worker.

Research the topic of motivating workers, and especially, those working on projects.

• Do you think there are any new insights in the information you found?
• Do you think managers are trying to focus on what really motivates people to do project work better?

Prepare a 1,000 words paper (not counting title page or references) that summarizes your findings. Include at least two references in addition to the textbook, properly cited following APA requirements. The paper should be formatted following APA formatting.

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Other Subject: Prepare a 1000 words paper not counting title page that
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