1. Prepare 1 liter of 140mM Tris, pH 8, 300mM NaCl, 10mM MgCl2 FROM 1M Tris, pH 8, solid NaCl (MW = 59 g/mol), 1.2M MgCl2.
2. Prepare 5mL of 30ng/mL EGF, 120ng/mL NGF, 2mM dbcAMP FROM 5ug/mL EGF, .3mg/mL NGF and 200mM dbcAMP
3. Prepare 8mL of 4% w/v BSA, .25% w/v SDS, 20mM EDTA, pH 8 from solid BSA, solid SDS, .5M EDTA, pH8
4. Prepare 2mL of 1:400 antimouse serum, 1:300 normal goat serum in PBS from antimouse serum and normal goat serum, PBS.
5. Prepare 330mL of 7% horse serum, 3% calf serum and 1x PSF in DMEM FROM DME, Horse serum, and 100x PSF and DMEM.