Preparation on the Morning of Surgery
- Morning care
- Hygiene Bowel and bladder emptying.
- Oral hygiene, remove dentures if any, no lipstick.
- Comb and make the hair into two plaits, cover the hair with a triangular bandage.
- Change the dress (with sterile dress( if needed.
- Record the vital signs. i.e. TPR and BP
- Administer the morning dose of antibiotics.
- Apply two identification bands with name, age, sex, registration number, operation to be performed, pre-operative diagnosis, one on the left wrist and the other on the chest part of the shirt.
- Facilitate to meet the spiritual needs of the patient and family members.
- Inform the patient and the significant others that the patient is going to be pre medicated and after that not to disturb the patient and allow him/her to sleep.
- Instruct the patient that sfhe is going to be pre medicated and he/she will feel sleepy, not to get out of bed after pre-medication, empty bladder before pre-medication. The patient will not be left alone when he is asleep, he/she will be accompanied by the nurse to O.T. and will be handed over to the O.T. team.
- Administer the pre-medication as prescribed. Cardiac surgery patients are generally pre-medicated with Inj. Morphine and Phenargan. Inj. Pethedme is rarely used Inj. Atropine is not used. The nurse records the time, name, dose, route of medication on the nurse's note and put her signature on the nurse's note as well as on the anesthetist's instruction sheet. The pre- medication is given one hour before surgery. The patient is made comfortable and the side rails are placed up to prevent fall.
- Accompany the patient to O.T. with complete case records of the patient and hand over to the O.T. nurse. Significant family members are allowed to come with the patient to the O.T. Reassure the patient and significant others.