Preparation of visual Aids ,Handouts and Feedback Forms
It is always better to prepare visual aids much in advance of the presentation. Leaving them for the last moment can on certain occasions force you to rush through the entire procedure. There could be instances when there is little or no scope for concretizing the points which you wish to make and errors are bound to creep in. As visual aids are used as supports to the presentation, error in the same are sure to leave a poor impact in the minds of the audience. Whatever we see we tend to believe more and it leaves a greater and long lasting impression. Therefore pause for a short while in the preparatory stage and take time to think and be creative in the preparation of visual aids . the transparencies or slides should be prepared neatly with no over writing or spelling errors. The material should be well spaced and written in capitals or block letters so that listeners sitting at the back are also able to decipher the contents.
Handouts should also be prepared meticulously and carefully. They should be given to the participants prior to commencing the session so that can come prepared at the presentation with focused queries. The time which would be otherwise spent in generating questions would be saved if this strategy is observed. These handouts should be extremely well prepared as the participants are going to take them back after the session and probably share with friends and colleagues experiences and insights gained from the presentation on the basis of these very handouts. A sloppy performance is surely going reveal you in poor light. The quality of the presentation plus the handouts to a great extent determines your acceptance in the midst of the participants.
Feedback from should also be prepared well in advance so that they can be handed to the participants at the end of the presentation . points which need to elaborated in the feedback.
Form is:
1.Information about the audience
2.Level of acceptance of the speaker
3.Scope for improvement
4.inadequacies if any in the presentation
5.Expectations from the presentation
6.To what extent were they met
7.Gain from the session
8.Scope for further interaction.