
Preparation of clinical learning contract - projected

Assessment Task: Clinical Project

Clinical Learning Contract and Project

Students are required to submit a written contract of the clinical project they may wish to undertake before they set out to achieve their contractual clinical learning.

Stage One: Preparation of Clinical Learning Contract - projected clinical project which forms the clinical outcome. The contract is written in consultation (forum discussion) with the lecturer/tutor concerned.

Stage Two: Submission of Clinical Learning Contract

Stage Three: Forum Discussion with Facilitator if needed

Stage Four: Submission of Clinical ProjectTitle: Understanding Pressure soresin elderly


Pressure sores (more recently called pressure injuries) are areas of damage to the skin and underlying tissue caused by constant pressure or friction. This type of skin damage can develop quickly in anyone with reduced mobility, such as older people or those confined to a bed or chair.

A pressure ulcer is a localized injury to the skin or underlying tissue, usually over a bony prominence, as a result of unrelieved pressure.

The elderly are more susceptible to the development of these skin lesions as a result of changes associated with the aging process. Pressure ulcers in elderly individuals can cause significant morbidity and mortality and are a major economic burden to the health care system. Prevention should be the ultimate objective of pressure ulcer care, and it requires an understanding of the pathophysiology leading to pressure ulcers and the means of reducing both intrinsic and extrinsic risk factors.

The older population is more prone to the development of skin wounds due to changes associated with the aging process that increase the fragility of the skin.16 Among these changes, one may cite the thinning of cell layers, decreased vascularization, cell proliferation, and delays in the healing process. Skin sensibility, pain response, barrier function, and inflammatory response are also reduced with aging, which makes skin more vulnerable to injury.16 Knowledge of pressure ulcer risk factors is essential for healthcare professionals in planning effective prevention programs that target the elderly living in long-term institutions.

Learning Objectives - To learn about introduction of Pressure Sores.
- To become familiar with the grades of pressure sores.
- To know the risk factors of pressure soresin elder people.
- To deepens knowledge on warning signs on pressure sores in elderly.
- To know the prevention for pressure sores in elderly.
- To explore the knowledge for the treatment for pressure sores.
- To observe and manage elderly people who have pressure sores.

Learning Activities - Reading various journal articles on pressure sores
- Going through the videos on you tube for elderly care.
- Increasing knowledge through text books.
- Discussion with educator.
- Discussion with peers and sharing ideas.
- Contact with nursing homes staff.
- Getting ideas from residents experiences who have pressure sores.

Learning Resources

- Text books
- Online books and journal articles
- Group discussion
- Internet
- Research
- Educator
- Interview
- Television

(2500 words)

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Dissertation: Preparation of clinical learning contract - projected
Reference No:- TGS02267540

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