
Preparation of a media release

MEDIA RELEASE This assessment aimsto provide practice in writing for different audiences and has a focus around the preparation of a media release. Students do this by preparing 1000 words or less that includes:

1. Academic writing with sources referenced appropriately: Compare and contrast the communication skills required to prepare and disseminate a media release with other marketing communication tasks (400 – 500 words) include: identify any negotiations or collaborations required (consider internal and external stakeholders); The production of a media release is only one part of what is required forthis communication task. Think about who else is likely to be involved and the type of decisions required from when you first begin preparing the media release – to when it is distributed to the media to what occurs if it is published. outline the checks required to ensure adherence to ethical practice when communicating as a marketing professional. Review the Ethical Practice in Marketing database from Topic1 for points relevant to preparation and dissemination of marketing communications.

2. Professional writing (no references required): Write a media release that covers who, what, when, where, why and how (as relevant to the story) and is presented in the professional format used by that organisation for media releases (300 – 500 words based on the story, audience and angle allocated during course deliv ery forthis task).

3. Reflective writing supported by sources referenced appropriately: ldentify activitiesto professionally develop your written communication and negotiation skills (100-200 words). You have the opportunity to self-assess yourwritten skillsthrough thistask and othertasks at university. ldentify your current level of developmentforwritten communication (referto Reading Topic 1 Reading 5) and consider if you are at the start, middle or end ofthat stage. Note the evidence available to supportthisview and whetherthis is in a formatthat you can share with potential employers. Outline how you can further develop YOUR communication skills. Be specific and tailorthisto your professional development needs. Draw on references to support your claims. Provide your Secret URLto confirm this information is in your portfolio. Please use Harvard referencing in-text citationsfor parts1 and 3 but not forthe media release itself. List any sources used for all parts ofthe assessment task in a reference list. You can upload 1 documentvia grade book if you download the submission form and add in each written componentto the end ofthat document, with references listed last. Rememberthat in any task that you perform as a marketerthere are 5 areas outlined in the marketing standards for undergraduate students (Topic 1 Reading 7). These can then be broken down further – i.e. communication can be looked at in terms of oral communication (as perAssessment1 and 3) and written (Assessment 2 but also demonstrated in any submission where you are reflecting on your development. For thistask you are demonstrating yourwritten skills but you can also consider how oral communication is important for negotiations/collaboration. Zoos SAinformation sheets – choose only one animal forthe task Folder Zoos SA has provided information sheets and images for students to use for assessment tasks. Please note these are owned by Zoos SA and are not to be used for any purpose other than course assessment tasks. Please do not contact Zoos SA for assistance on this task. Please note that this information can also be useful if you choose Zoos SA asthe focus for your advertising brief.

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