
Preparation is the key to giving an effective presentation


Preparation is the key to giving an effective presentation and to controlling your nervousness. Know your topic well. You will be the expert on the topic in the classroom. Good preparation and the realization that you are the expert will boost your self-confidence. After your research, you will find that you know much more about your topic than you will have time to present. That is a good thing. It will allow you to compose a good introduction, to distill out the main, most important points that need to be made, and to finish with a strong conclusion.

Explain the case what happened and why and where and causes
What low broken
What low change

Have an idea what the background is of your audience is so you will know how much detail to go into and what kinds of things you may have to define
Prepare an outline of topic. Bullet or number the main points then outline this text for the actual presentation.

Visual aids

Visual aids (maps, photos, film clips, graphs, diagrams, and charts)
Keep visual aids simple and uncluttered.
Use color and contrast for emphasis but use them in moderation
Use a font large enough to be seen from the back of the room
A rule of thumb: slides are readable from the back of a room if they are readable at a distance of 9 feet

For an 8-10 minute talk use no more than 10 slides or overheads


Handouts provide structure. They can provide supplemental material, references, a glossary of terms, and serve as a record of the presentation. The handout should be attractively laid out and inviting to read. Leave enough white space on the handout for the listener to take notes.

A handout should be 1 page long and consist of:

Your name
Title of course
Date of presentation
Title of your presentation
Brief abstract (50 word summary of your presentation)
A brief outline of your presentation including the major points
A bibliography of references used to inform the presentation.

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Other Engineering: Preparation is the key to giving an effective presentation
Reference No:- TGS01035149

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