
preparation for resuscitationtwo trained


Two trained, personnel capable of working together to perform all aspects of resuscitation, it may be nurse and paediatrician or two skilled nurses. But one of the two must be skilled in endotracheal intubation.

Now what preparation you need to do for anticipating the need for resuscitating a newborn, you need to keep the following things ready:

  1. Source of heat either radiant warmer or 200 watt bulb 
  2. Adequate lighting and place to work 

Resuscitation equipments required are:

  1.  Minimum two clean dry and warm sheets for each new born 
  2.  Ambubag and mask 
  3.  Infant laryngoscope 
  4.  Endotracheal tube of three different sizes 
  5.  Sterile suction catheter 12 to 14 
  6.  Oral mucus suction 
  7.  Oxygen source 
  8.  Emergency Drugs (Epinephirine, Naloxone hydrochloride, Normal saline) 
  9.  Ventilator 
  10.  Leucoplast 
  11.  Scissor 
  12.  Appropriate sized gloves

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Biology: preparation for resuscitationtwo trained
Reference No:- TGS0176436

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