
preparation for hospitalization prevention is

Preparation for Hospitalization 

Prevention is a strong component of nursing care. Preparation prior to hospitalization is  essential to make the transition from home to hospital as non-disruptive as possible. Every family should be prepared for what  to expect when their child is admitted to the hospital. The child's developmental level as well as his relation with his parents determines when preparation should begin and in how much detail it should be carried  out. 

Parents have an important role in preparation of  the child for hospital admission as they know  the strengths and weaknesses of their child and can communicate with their child that will help in the events that will take place in the hospital. However, the parents may not always be the best persons to give the child support. Whatever the circumstances, the child needs a familiar and understanding person to support during admission to the hospital.  

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Biology: preparation for hospitalization prevention is
Reference No:- TGS0176195

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