
prepaid meteringprepaid metering is the state of

Prepaid Metering

Prepaid metering is the state of art for single and three-phase although current metering, and should be implemented through utilities desirous of protecting their revenue. Among the various choices of types of prepayment meters, the key-pad based technology is far superior to other techniques such as smart cards as the latter is prone to tampers and is inconvenient to consumers.

The achievable level of losses is subject to several factors such as

  1. Configuration of the network;
  2. Physical parameters of the network;
  3. Level of loading; and
  4. Prevalent operating voltage levels, etc.

Therefore, with a view to meet the economic loss performance, target levels and maximum tolerable loss levels for every voltage level on the system might be taken as display in Table.

                                             Table: Proposed Targets for Economic Loss Levels


System Component

Levels for Peak Power Losses

Target Level%

Maximum Tolerable %



 Step-up transformer & EHV transmission system





 Transformationto intermediate voltage level, transmission system and step-down to sub transmission voltage level





 Sub-transmission system & step-down to distribution voltage level





 Distribution lines & service connections




 Total Power Losses



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Electrical Engineering: prepaid meteringprepaid metering is the state of
Reference No:- TGS0203372

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