
Preliminary treatment plan for the case vignette

Assignment Problem: Sara is a 24-year old Jewish-American female who is living with her fiancé, David. They have been together for 3 years and are planning to get married next year after he finishes school. In the last year Sara has been having significant mood swings. At times she has no energy, sleeps 10 hours a day, states she feels "down and blue" most of the time, has no appetite, loses interest in any of their usual social activities, and has difficulty concentrating at work. At other times Sara is full of energy, sleeps 4 hours a night, believes that she is the best employee of all of the 263 other workers at her job, talks very fast, and is easily distracted. Both David and her supervisor have expressed concern about her behavior. He supervisor states that Sara is a valuable employee and "puts up with" the times when she produces less at work because that is balanced by the times when she is extremely productive. David has asked her to see her doctor but Sara does not thing there is anything wrong with her. "Everybody has good and bad days" is her reply to him.

Sara has Bipolar II disorder. Give a rationale for that diagnosis, and a preliminary treatment plan for the case vignette.

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Other Subject: Preliminary treatment plan for the case vignette
Reference No:- TGS03225555

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