Preliminary design work has been done on a process to recover a valuable product froman effluent gas stream. The gas will be scrubbed with a solvent in a packed column;the recovered product and solvent separated by distillation; and the solvent cooled andrecycled. The major items of equipment that will be required are detailed below.
1. Absorption column: diameter 1 m, vessel overall height 15 m, packed height 12 m,packing 25 mm ceramic intalox saddles, vessel carbon steel, operating pressure 5 bar.2. Recovery column: diameter 1 m, vessel overall height 20 m, 35 sieve plates, vesseland plates stainless steel, operating pressure 1 bar.3. Reboiler: forced convection type, fixed tube sheets, area 18.6 m2, carbon steel shell,stainless-steel tubes, operating pressure 1 bar.4. Condenser: fixed tube sheets, area 25.3 m2, carbon steel shell and tubes, operatingpressure 1 bar.5. Recycle solvent cooler: U-tubes, area 10.1 m2, carbon steel shell and tubes, operatingpressure 5 bar.6. Solvent and product storage tanks: cone roof, capacity 35 m3, carbon steel.Estimated service requirements:Steam 200 kg/hCooling water 5000 kg/hElectrical power 100 kWh/d (360 MJ/d)Estimated solvent loss 10 kg/d; price £400/t. Plant attainment 95 per cent.Estimate the capital investment required for this project, and the annual operating cost;date mid-2004.