
Predict the result you would get if you added both

Suppose you discover a novel process in a little-studied cell type in which a chemical insult causes an unknown organelle to undergo energy-dependent movement from near the MTOC to the plasma membrane. To probe the cytoskeletal elements required for this movement, you add an actin-depolymerizer, latrunculin A. This does not affect the initial movement of the organelle away from the MTOC, however, the organelle stops short of reaching the plasma membrane. You next try the microtubule-depolymerizer colchicine. This prevents any movement of the organelle away from the MTOC in response to the stimulus.

1) What do these results tell you about the identity of the cytoskeletal elements involved and the identity of the required motor protein(s) over the course of the movement?

2) Predict the result you would get if you added both latrunculin A and colchicine at the same time. Would the resulting phenotype be a combination of adding each drug alone, would one or the other drug's effects predominate, or would they cancel out? Why?

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Biology: Predict the result you would get if you added both
Reference No:- TGS02463244

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