
predetermined motion time system

Predetermined Motion  time System ( PMTS):

Predetermined  motion  time system  is defined  as a work  measurement  techniques  by which  normal or  basic  times  are established for  basic  human  motions  and these time  values  are used  to build  up  the  time for  a job  at a defined  level  of performance.

It is  a work  measurement techniques that involves observing or thinking through a job  recording  job  elements  recording pre established motion units  and calculating a performance standard.

PMTS is an  improvement  over motion study  because besides affording detailed analysis  of the  motion  it makes  it possible  to set  a measure of the  time that  a series of motion  ought to take.

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Management Theories: predetermined motion time system
Reference No:- TGS0205452

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