
Pre-order and post order traversals

Q1. List out any two real world applications of the Minimum Cost Spanning Trees? List out two differences between the Dijkstra and Kruskal's algorithm?

Q2. For the given graph compute the shortest path from start vertex ‘A’ by using the Dijkstra’s Algorithm.

Q3. Traverse the graph given below by using the DFS traversal. Specify the order of the nodes visited. Begin with node 4.

Q4. Write down an algorithm to assess the postfix expression.

Q5. Execute your algorithm by using the given postfix expression as your input:

a b + c d +*f^

Q6. Create an arithmetic expression tree for the expression (((a/b) + c) - (d*e)) and give the pre-order and post order traversals.

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Data Structure & Algorithms: Pre-order and post order traversals
Reference No:- TGS010566

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