
pre-operative teachingbrief explanation-anatomy

Pre-operative Teaching

  1. Brief explanation-anatomy, physiology of the cardio-respiratory system. 
  2. The disease and the operation which is going to be done. 
  3. Operation theatre. 
  4. Intensive care unit, about the various tubings and machines to which the patient will be connected after the surgery. their purposes and duration. 
  5. Waiting room and communication facilities for information about the patient from time to time. 
  6. Take the patient to the ICU and introduce to the staff or the ICU nurse visits the patient in the ward. 
  7. Demonstrating and making the patient to do return demonstration of all the breathing exercises, pursed'lip breathing, abdominal breathing, hufting and coughing. how to support the sternum while doing these exercises, range of motion exercises. gradual ambulation and how to take steam inhalation. 
  8. Encourage patient and significant others to come out with their doubts and give reply in simple language. Never give wrong assurance or information. Explain the importance of prevention of infection and measures to be taken e.g. cleanliness, hand washing, restricting visitors. 
  9. Collect all the investigation reports from OPD. 
  10. Anesthetist visits the patient to develop. a rapport to do pre-anesthetic check-up and prescribe the pre-medication to be given to the patient. 
  11. The surgeon/doctors explain about the surgery including the percentage of risk and take a written informed consent from the patient or significant others. The informed consent form is signed by the doctor who explained the risk and a witness.

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Biology: pre-operative teachingbrief explanation-anatomy
Reference No:- TGS0176687

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