
Practice of entrepreneurship-core issues about creativity

MGT is a Common Academic Program (CAP) Inquiry course. As such, it must include a reflective and comparative component in which each student examines methods in her or his major field with those in the field of the Inquiry course. In this case, your task here is to discuss similarities and differences in research methods and ways of understanding the world between your major and entrepreneurship.

We have focused on the practice of entrepreneurship and core issues about creativity. You have explored the relevance of creativity to group work and otherwise. You have analyzed two cases in order to develop a sense of how potential entrepreneurs view the world, perhaps offering insight into your own views. You have engaged in a substantive creative activity (from brainstorming, to concept selection, to concept modification to fieldwork to early-stage prototype development) to develop a sense of the creative and critical thinking involved in product / service development, a critical facet of entrepreneurial activity. You have been introduced to storyboarding, market research, marketing and finance concepts in order to frame your concepts.

Your major likely shares a few similarities with, and holds a number of substantial differences to, entrepreneurship. As such, please provide three (3) double spaced pages that offer:

1) how your view of yourself and the world has changed, if at all, based on readings, discussions and experiences in MGT 229;

2) how the research methods and conceptual aspects of your major compare to, and contrast with, those of entrepreneurship.

Hint: It will help to offer specific examples or insights, rather than abstract responses to the two points

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Other Subject: Practice of entrepreneurship-core issues about creativity
Reference No:- TGS01426121

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