Practicals 1 atomic absorption and 2 uvvisfluorescence will

You will be required to write up all three practicals.

Practicals 1 (atomic absorption) and 2 (UV/Vis/fluorescence) will form the basis of a standard laboratory report.

Practical 3 (GC-FID) will be completed as a proforma in the laboratory session.

The proforma is provided in advance of the practical as part of the laboratory manual. 

The laboratory experiments will be performed in groups of ~10 but reports must be completed independently.


The laboratory report will provide 35% of the total mark for the unit with the in-lab proforma providing the remaining 15%. A full mark scheme will be provided for the laboratory report in the pre and post-lab sessions and will be available on blackboard.  Guidance on the mark scheme for the proforma will be given during the practical.  The maximum word limit is 1500 words for the report covering Practicals 1 and 2.  The write up for Practical 3 must fit within the boundaries of the pro forma.

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Chemistry: Practicals 1 atomic absorption and 2 uvvisfluorescence will
Reference No:- TGS01249073

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