
Practical situations or your own organization- the 1st

Choose 2 practical situations (or your own organization- the 1st practical situation has to do with ability to secure materials from international partners such as Tellabs, Ericsson, Aviat, Huawei, Cambridge, RAD, Dell, Cisco etc for deployment of Enterprise projects whilst second practical solution is securing replacement for defective components for Enterprise customers which would involve warehousing for immediate replacement.) You are a supply chain executive of this organization. Your organization is linked to international partners through a number of formal agreements and strategic alliances. You have been requested to prepare a presentation for an international meeting of associated supply chain executives on the following topic:
"An assessment of supply chain risks: current trends and impact on focal organization"
It is expected that you will bring the additional perspective of the particularly vulnerable developing world context to the table, and that you will give the initial presentation that will be followed by an open discussion.
As an initial document you have to prepare an 20 page management report on the matter. This excludes annexures and the introductory pages, i.e. the body of the report should comprise  20pages for each scenarios. The material covered in this report should be sufficient to prepare you for both the presentation and the subsequent discussion.
Purpose of assignment
The purpose of this assignment is to look at a specific industry sector and analyze supply chain risks. It is, therefore, necessary to understand both the industry and the many forms of risk associated with the supply chain. These include short term risks and global risks to the supply network.
When you compile risk management plans, these must, therefore, deal with the immediate risk - as well as with the longer term and systemic risk.
It is important to use the forms of analysis and tools that are relevant to this field of study.
Your answers to the above will be assessed in terms of the level of communication displayed, the insights and inferences drawn, and your ability to show the implications of the factors that you have assessed and discussed. An answer that merely gives a list of events that have happened or a synopsis of a situation, without showing insight into the reasons and results, will not earn good marks. Your method of referencing must consistently follow the augmented Harvard method.

N.B- Maximum length of 40pages, 12font, 1.5spacing, Harvard refrencing
This is what we can do, present two scenarios

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Other Subject: Practical situations or your own organization- the 1st
Reference No:- TGS0969590

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