
practical points in preparation of nursing care

Practical Points in Preparation of Nursing Care Plan

  1. You first review the nursing diagnosis, then assign this priority or the order in which these are to be met. 
  2. Along with client and family, develop goals specific to the client's individual needs. 
  3. These goals may be designated (by the client/family) as high, medium or low priority. 
  4. Your nursing strategies should be or client centered. 
  5. Each strategy that you consider should be based on a specific reason. 
  6. Document or write down nursing diagnosis, goals with time periods and nursing strategies. This information is to be written in a systematic and concise manner so that other nursing personnel can understand and use it. 
  7. Remember that nursing care plan focuses on nursing problems and have a nursing approach. 
  8. Write nursing care plan in clear and specific terms. 
  9. Take time to sit down and write out a plan of care that will help you to organize your mental thoughts to think through what you hope to accomplish by nursing care. 
  10. Take into account potential problems as well as those which are actually present. Review the possibilities of alternative nursing interventions and develop a plan of care that can be followed through by all nursing personnel concerned with the client.

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Biology: practical points in preparation of nursing care
Reference No:- TGS0176400

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