Practical guide to copyright compliance


Copyright Compliance

A Practical Guide to Copyright Compliance.

Complete all of the following tasks to ensure that you fulfill all of the requirements of this assignment.

Complete the following:

Conduct independent research on copyright compliance, in the literature of the field.

In a 2 to 3 page paper, summarize your answers to the following questions:

  • What original creations are protected and for how long?
  • What is the public domain and how does it factor into the laws?
  • What are some examples of training materials that DNA would have that may be subject to the copyright laws?
  • How is digital content treated under the law and how does this effect DNA's training department?
  • What factors should be included in a copyright compliance policy for DNA's training department?

Support your statements with at least three resources: the A Practical Guide to Copyright Compliance Web site and two additional materials from your research.

Use in-text citations and include a references page (which should not be included in the page count of your paper). Be sure both citations and references are formatted according to APA formatting guidelines.

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Business Law and Ethics: Practical guide to copyright compliance
Reference No:- TGS01864366

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