
Ppurpose of the exercise is for students to develop a shaft

A new vertical shaft has been proposed to connect surface to existing workings at a depth of 1000m below ground. The shaft is to be a mineral hoisting shaft with the ability to act as an emergency egress and has a proposed circular shape of 6m diameter. The stratigraphy of the geological strata at the shaft site is as follows:

Depth from surface

Strata type




Weak regolith


Siltstone of moderate strength low water flow


Impermeable shale of moderate strength


Bunter sandstone of high strength, aquifer, high water flow


Shales, medium strength, low water flow

The purpose of the exercise is for students to develop a shaft sinking and lining strategy for the site. The expectation is for students to compile a report of their findings, the report should include:

  1. Proposed excavation strategies
  2. Timelines/project management for the project
  3. Equipment and consumables used
  4. Costing's ( a useful source is the AusIMM monograph 'Cost estimation handbook')
  5. lining design
  6. sinking stage design
  7. shaft fittings

and any other salient points.

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Other Engineering: Ppurpose of the exercise is for students to develop a shaft
Reference No:- TGS0657574

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