
Ppmp20015 research in project management - a review of

Task Description


Assignment 1 comprises three main components:

1) a review of four scholarly articles relating to a project management field of your choice;

2) a critical evaluation of the four sources and

3) formulating a proposed research topic in response to identified gaps in the reviewed resources.

This assignment aims to help you to gain the necessary knowledge in a specific area and decide a suitable research topic relevant to your domain and aligned with your own interest, passion and career goals. The assignment will help you understand how to conduct preliminary search for specific and credible literature on a certain topic and how to review the resources in order to generate and refine your research ideas and identify a gap in literature that warrants research.

The first component of the assignment requires you to select a project management field that you are interested to research about (i.e. leadership). You may also be interested in an initial topic within that field (i.e. Impact of PM leadership on project team loyalty). The more focused is your initial topic, the easier it is for you to find resources and produce worthwhile critical review report. Should you have no preference about a particular topic, you may select one of the fields addressed in the PMI Talent Triangle under three areas of focus. This Triangle represents the ideal skill set for competent project managers which is a combination of technical, leadership and strategic and business & management expertise.

You are encouraged to select topics from the following popular areas of researcht:
- Project management education.
- Innovative project management
- Ethical and legal compliance
- Conflict and dispute resolution.
- Lean project management.
- Leadership competences

You are encouraged to start each review on a new page. The total length of each review should be no longer than one page. Your review of each article should cover the following itemized components:
- Purpose: Identify the research aim, questions or hypotheses of the paper
- Method: Summarize the research design or method used in the paper
- Key concepts: Identify the key arguments (NOT facts) raised in the paper.
- Findings: Summarize the main outcomes of the paper
- Significance/Implications: Explain the practical outcomes or impacts that paper makes.
- Limitation: Identify the opportunities for further research.
- Reflection: Summarize your personal reflection about the reliability of the research method(s) adopted in the paper.

The second component of the assignment includes a critical evaluation of the four articles. The critical evaluation should comprise an analysis of the major relationships including similarities and differences, trends, themes or patterns in the four papers. You are encouraged to present your analysis by using a table or matrix.

The third component of the assignment is the formulation of your research topic in light of the research gaps identified in your review. You should propose a research topic. A good research topic should not exceed 15 words. You will get feedback whether or not the topic is appropriate for adoption in your research proposal (Assignment 2). As an example of a good topic, you may articulate a focused topic after your critical review of resources relating to project leadership as follows:

The impact of effective project manager's soft skills on the project team loyalty in large construction projects in India, OR;

The success factors of project leadership to maintain the loyalty of project team in Victoria.

Referencing Style Harvard


Some of the articles which are relevant to risk management in construction project topic

Iqbal, S., Choudhry, R., Holschemacher, K., Ali, A., &Tamošaitiene, J. (2015). Risk management in construction projects. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 21(1), 65-78.

Hwang, Zhao, &Toh. (2014). Risk management in small construction projects in Singapore: Status, barriers and impact. International Journal of Project Management, 32(1), 116-124.

Serpella, Ferrada, Howard, & Rubio. (2014). Risk Management in Construction Projects: A Knowledge-based Approach. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 119, 653-662.

Lehtiranta, L. (2011). Relational Risk Management in Construction Projects: Modeling the Complexity. Leadership and Management in Engineering, 11(2), 141-154.

Osipova, E., & Eriksson, P. (2011). How procurement options influence risk management in construction projects. Construction Management and Economics, 29(11), 1149-1158.

Research topic

Risk Management in Construction project.

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