
Ppare a word report analysing the important features of

Please follow all the instructions provided here. All these three pages of instructions are very important to follow.

Assessment Topic - QUBE

After reading further background material on the company and relevant case studies on related companies, prepare a 2300 - 2500 word report analysing the important features of Qube, and identify logistics management strategies to resolve the issues.

In your report you need to consider:

The main problems at with the current logistics network in NSW

How they might be resolved

What, if any, involvement should the NSW government have in the resolution of the problems

Sustainability should be used here...(Chapter 16) ( sustainability article and Ch 16 are attached separately with this please add information from them in assignment. But must be plagiarism free and relevant)

To support your analysis and recommendations, you need to:

Use a minimum of 8 academic journal articles, plus the text supporting your identification of problems and proposals / recommendations to resolve the problems (better marks will be awarded for more than 8).

As a report is due the usual formatting applies.

Please listen this link's video and add material in the assignment from that and reference in the assignment as well. As teacher provided these links





Please follow the more instructions

Please follow the required referencing style "Harvard ANGILA"

Please must provide references in the text and in the reference list as well according to the required style.

And must provide the references from the minimum 8 academic journals. Because teacher has much focus on academic references.

He cuts the marks if we don't provide academic references at least 8.


To allow students to continue and extend their application of the knowledge and skits of the subject to a real world example facing current issues n logistics management. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a. b, c and O.


The specific company to be analysed MI be provided in Moodie.


Students will need to analyse the company's current logistics management related to a current issue facing logistics management in Australia today. Following the analysis students will need to propose supported recommendations for the company to manage the issue(s).

The analysis and recommendations are to be presented in a 2500 word report.

Requirements: minimum of eight (8) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources - check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources.

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Supply Chain Management: Ppare a word report analysing the important features of
Reference No:- TGS01410369

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