
powerthe capacity of power is to influence in the


The capacity of power is to influence in the behavior of other people so they do things that they would not otherwise do. The most important component of power is dependency. The greater a person's dependency on you the more power you have in that relationship.  For the example, machine operators might seem to have low power but the organization is dependent on them to make the goods they sell. Thus, machine operators have power within the organization.  The most probably referred to sources of power are:

1. Coercive Power.   Power based on fear.

2. Reward Power.   Power to give advantages to people.

3. Position Power.   Power arising from a position in an organizational group or hierarchy.

4. Expert Power.   Influence based on special knowledge or skills.

5. Referent Power.   Influences held based on a person's admiration and desire to model themselves after you.

Like many things, power itself is neither good nor bad. It is how it is used by managers that make the difference.

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Management Theories: powerthe capacity of power is to influence in the
Reference No:- TGS0174393

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