
Powerpoint presentations require the ability to select the

Assignment: PowerPoint Presentation

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This assignment requires you to develop a PowerPoint presentation of approximately 8-10 slides synthesizing the key points from your literature review. The purpose of this assignment is to allow you the opportunity to practice presenting your key findings in a similar format that you would be using to present your final proposal and dissertation.

PowerPoint presentations require the ability to select the most relevant material and provide the information in a concise manner. The presentation demonstrates critical thinking, careful word choice, and optimal organization of information to convey the desired content and achieve the best impact on the audience.

This presentation skill is, therefore, important to learn and develop from the beginning of your doctoral program to be able to present successfully during the dissertation defense.

Organize the PPT slides around the following headings:

• Research Topic and Question (1 slide)
• Background of the Problem (1-2 slides)
• Key Findings from the Literature (2-3 slides)
• Relevance of Literature Findings to Proposed Topic (1 slide)
• Gaps in Research (1 slide), and
• Connection of Gaps in Literature to Proposed Study (1 slide)
• References

Make sure you provide in-text citations for your literature findings and a final References slide.

Keep in mind the slide limit is an approximate number that should be adequate to cover the information required in this assignment. However, if you do wish to add a slide or so additionally, please do so. The important point is that you have adequately conveyed the key points from the literature review in your presentation.

Attachment:- The-Effects-of-Single-Parenting.rar

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Dissertation: Powerpoint presentations require the ability to select the
Reference No:- TGS02558432

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