Task: PowerPoint Presentation about future Inventions
Slide 1: Description of the new product
Slide 2: Description of the importance of R&D to include lead users and market research
Slide 3: Discussion of appropriate structure and culture necessary to support innovative ideas and products
Slide 4: Exploration of future inventions inspired by the product
Slide 5: Analysis of future innovations of this product (Was this a successful invention leading to innovation?)
Slide 6: ROI, shareholder value, economic value added analysis, or a SWOT, on innovation
Slide 7: ROI, shareholder value, economic value added analysis or a SWOT, on invention
Slide 8: Brief description of the benchmarking process as applied to this company (What problems with performance measuring can be encountered?)
Slide: 9 Prediction of product demand in five years
Slide 10: Conclusion
Slide 11: List of sources using APA guidelines