Pick one topic up and create 10 slides of PowerPoint. Your presentation should start with an overview of the report; address potential solutions recommended; discuss why those solutions are valuable; and finally, conclude with whether any action has been undertaken by the government in response to the report.
Studies, research papers and technical papers
Collapse list of studies, research papers and technical papers All studies, research papers and technical papers
Agriculture and Rural Working Paper Series
Analysis in brief
Analytical Studies Branch
Canadian Economic Observer
Canadian Social Trends
Canadian Trade Review
Children and Youth Research Paper Series
Connectedness series
Economic analysis
Education Matters
Education, culture and tourism
Family violence in Canada
Focus on Culture
Geography working papers series
Health Fact Sheets
Health Reports
Healthy today, healthy tomorrow?
Innovation Analysis Bulletin
Insights on Canadian Society
Insights on the Canadian Economy
Other publications
Perspectives on Labour and Income
Report on the demographic situation in Canada
Rural and Small Town Canada Analysis Bulletin
Science, Innovation and Electronic Information
Service industries
The Canadian Economy in Transition
The Canadian Productivity Review
Trends and conditions in CMA
VISTA on the agri-food industry and the farm community