
Power system analysis and design - electrical design of hv

Power System Analysis and Design

Electrical Design of HV Power Transmission Lines

A large power company is planning to expand its power transmission capability by adding an 700 MW, 55okV AC overhead power transmission line that runs over a distance of 325 miles. The proposed line will connect 2 hydroelectric generation stations to the load centers in the southwest region of the country where the demand on electric power is expected to increase by 30% in the next 10 years, due to fast growing economy in the region. Mega Power Engineers, Inc. won the bid to perform the required electrical and mechanical designs of the proposed transmission line.

The Board of MPE has decided to go ahead with the project and gave a timeline of 3 mo to the power company and a charge of $2.74M that must be paid by the power company in return of doing all the required design and simulation work. The Engineering Manager at MPE quickly formed a team of 2 civil engineers and 4 electrical engineers to work on the project. From preliminary calculations made by the team, it was agreed upon selecting ACSR conductors and the need for bundle conductors to limit corona discharge and other line parameters. The voltage regulation has to be kept below 10%. In case your best line configuration wouldn't satisfy the voltage regulation, you may propose some kind of reactive power compensation (e.g. series capacitor compensation to boost the voltage.) The main assignments of the design group at MPE were to come up with the followings:

a. The details of the conductors (type, number of strands, etc.)

b. The number of sub-conductors per bundle

c. The diameter of the sub-conductors

d. The spacing between sub-conductors

e. The phase Spacing

f. The average height of the line above ground

g. The series resistance per phase in ohms/mi at 50‘ c

h. The series inductance per phase in mH/mi

i. The shunt capacitance per phase to ground in uF-mi

j. The charging current/phase in A/mi

k. The total charging current/phase in A

l. The electric field profile in kV/cm calculated at 1 meter above ground.

m. The magnetic field profile in A/m calculated at 1 meter above ground

n. The losses of transmission line

o. The transmission efficiency of the HV power transmission line

p. The voltage regulation of the transmission line

q. The size of the series capacitor (if any) used to improve the voltage regulation.

r. Attach a copy of all published material used

s. Describe in 500 words the impact of power transmission line on society

t. Discuss in 300 words the ethics involved in such a project.

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Electrical Engineering: Power system analysis and design - electrical design of hv
Reference No:- TGS01351280

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