
power pc a power pc is a microprocessor designed

Power Pc :

A Power PC is a microprocessor designed to meet a standard, which was combining designed by Motorola, Apple and IBM. The PowerPC standard specifies a common instruction set architecture (ISA), allowing anybody to fabricate PowerPC processors and design, which will run the similar code. The PowerPC architecture is based on the IBM POWER architecture used in IBM's RS/6000 workstations. Currently Motorola and IBM are working on PowerPC chips.

The PowerPC architecture specifies 64 bit and32 bit both data paths. Early implementations will be 32 bit; future higher performance implementation will be 64 bit. A PowerPC has 32 general purpose (integer) registers (32- or 64 bit) and 32 floating point (IEEE standard 64 bit) registers.



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Assembly Language: power pc a power pc is a microprocessor designed
Reference No:- TGS0173337

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