
Power in the family-education

Power in the family/education:

In this project, write a 500- to 800-word description of power in your family. Ask who has the power in your family. Who defines what is right and wrong, what is good behaviour or bad? Who defines the rules, controls the money, and makes the decisions. Is it the parents equally, is it just one parent, do the children have any say? If there are school-aged children in your family, you may also want to consider how your family intersects with the authority of the school. Does your family take responsibility for enforcing school expectations (grades, attendance, behaviour in class) and if so, why and how? What do you think would happen to your family if the parents refused to educate the children as specified by the government if they chose different values and different ways of existing? Compare this to the residential school experience of natives in Canada.

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Reference No:- TGS01436936

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