
Potential disadvantages of co-branding

Problem 1: One of the don'ts of questionnaire construction is to ensure that fixed responses do not overlap. Which of the following is the best illustration of a problem that this "doesn't" might cause?

a. A consumer must describe a cartoon about buying a car.
b. An income question asks for an income designation in one of the following income categories: $0-$20,000, $20,000-$40,000, or $40,000 and above.
c. A consumer is asked whether he or she could spy on another consumer's shopping experience.
d. A consumer is asked to describe a recent event will driving.

Problem 2: A good way to describe the ________ would be discuss all the activities involved in building deeper understanding, relationships, and offerings to individual customers.

a. customer prospecting process
b. customer fulfillment management process
c. customer relationship management process
d. customer equity process

Problem 3: The potential disadvantages of co-branding are the risks and lack of control from becoming aligned with another brand in the consumers mind. Consumer ________ about the level of involvement and commitment with co-brands are likely to be high, so unsatisfactory performance could have negative repercussions for the brands involved.

a. primary service features
b. pricing
c. expectations
d. perceptions

Problem 4: When Apple Computers launched Macintosh, its key point-of-difference was "user friendly." Many consumers valued ease of use, especially those who bought computers for the home. One drawback with a "user-friendly" association was that consumers assumed that the computer was ________.

a. not very expensive
b. not compatible with any other computers
c. not very powerful
d. not for university use

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Marketing Management: Potential disadvantages of co-branding
Reference No:- TGS01612323

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