
Potential advantages for understanding how we learn

Assignment task: What insights might you gain from your peers' assessments of potential advantages for understanding how we learn?

If an individual has an awareness concerning the thoughts and self-regulation that they possess or impose upon themselves, or is of an implicit facilitation and operation then it is likely that the person is engaging metacognition; according to this course's text,

"Metacognitive strategies help us become more efficient and powerful in our learning because they help us to find information, evaluate when we need additional resources, and understand when to apply different approaches to problems" (Rosser-Majors, 2017).

Thus, increased awareness of information processing helps to fortify the implementation of the aforementioned methods which, consequently, support and strengthen metacognition entirely. By definition metacognition is the utilization of the strategies described previously - strategies for learning such as attention. I suppose that a cycle of effective learning would occur. Peering reflectively into my own life I think that information processing, my learning, and self-regulation will impact my career as such a type of learning has done so already. Honestly, cognitive functions such as paying attention, introspection/"thinking back", analyzing notable factors of the information I have detected and learned - I am a caregiver of the elderly and counselor of the disabled and those diagnosed on the Autism spectrum (not state-licensed; I have no degrees yet, I am nowhere close to their level). Also, having an increased understanding will probably continue to compel me to head further in the direction I am bound to.

Specifically, I can apply my comprehension and augmented understanding to helping my clients/consumers other ways of learning - more Humanism, person-centered but necessary. I learned a lot within this course. Regarding myself I learned that I would benefit, very much, from reassessing my motivations. Apply Maslow's hierarchy of needs - for what I was describing my metacognition, self-actualizing needs likely apply. Regarding what I learned about my peers in this course, I chuckle just a little bit; I learned a lot. But I won't speak much on that. Concerning the last question within the prompt I would agree applying elements of metacognition into my studies will aid me in learning more effectively. To be frank, I am applying now as I am beginning consider what techniques I have used, and should use, to firmly ascertain all of my lessons from week 1 to now, then retake all of my exams. See, that is metacognition, theory of attribution, content reflection. Yes, I agree with metacognition being applied to my studies to produce effective learning.

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