
Postnbspreplies to at least two peers before the close date

Week 2 reply to Discussion Question 1 please read the highlight closely thank you

Post replies to at least two peers before the close date of this discussion. In your replies, consider asking questions of peers about their responses to encourage further conversation. In replies, you might provide examples you have read about, experienced, or heard from co-workers that align with what your peer experienced and include suggestions for proactive collaboration. Again, though two replies is the basic expectation, for deeper engagement and learning, you are encouraged to provide responses to any comments or questions others have given to you (including the instructor) before the last day of the discussion; this will further the conversation while also giving you opportunities to demonstrate your content expertise, critical thinking, and real world experiences with this topic.

 The first person Anne Quick

Communication can be done in many ways and from the different ways of communicating; there are different interpretations among different people. Some of the ways of communication includes; verbal and non-verbal communication. The place where I visited was the bus station. It was on the 11th august 2015. At the bus station, people were busy; I could see many people communicating at their highest voices. I could also see others greeting one another by waving at each other and some were talking in groups and you could see them lifting their hands as they communicate.

From the perception at the transport station, I learnt a few things about communication. Something that I learned is that, individuals use distinctive approaches to communicate. This was genuine in light of the fact that; individuals were communicating diversely utilizing distinctive means. Some were communicating non-verbally through motions and flags. The non-verbal prompts were translated diversely, just lifting of the hands among the attendants was a method for welcome and others could react by additionally lifting up their hands. I likewise learnt that, much the same as verbal communication, non-verbal communication can draw out a reasonable implying that other individuals can undoubtedly get it. Non-verbal signal simply like verbal communication are critical and can be translated to convey out intending to individuals.

After completing weeks reading, there are many different things that leant that can be observed when people are communicating. Some of the nuances that I was aware of during the observation at the bus station were variation in the tone, changes in the body language, variations in meanings and responses. This was evident in that, people were talking with varying tones. Also, I could derive different meanings from people's facial expression and the way they were giving their responses.

From this current week's learning and observation experience, I will have the capacity to communicate successfully with different administrators, educators, guardians, group individuals and the community in the part of an extraordinary teacher. This is conceivable since through learning of different structures and methods for communication, communicating with individuals who have uncommon requirements (special needs). The individuals who are hard of hearing will be less demanding. This is because understanding of the body language will be made easy hence quick understanding in communication. For example, when discussing various issues about special education in a meeting, gestures and facial expression that are used will be easily understood since it will be interpreted easily. Gestures that the students will use in communication will be interpreted easily. Additionally, through week's reading and experience, a typical method for communication between the teachers, administrators, guardians, group individuals and community in the part of a special education teacher can be made. For instance, signs and gestures can be given implications taking into account the concurred translation of the non-verbal prompts. A specific motion of the hand will be deciphered comparably by special education teacher during a workshop or gatherings.

The second person is Debra Jones

Non-verbal, Verbal and Body language

Where, when, and what you observed;

I am an usher at my church, during my direction of ushering my Christ friends into the church I watch them as they enter and move to the nearest seat. Some seem a little confused; hesitate, some was happy to go to the area I directed them to sit. As I watch some faces as the preacher was speaking, some seem to enjoy the sermon by exhibiting clapping of hands and raising their hands of praise; some sit with their arms folded and legs cross as though they were not enjoying the speech.  I notice a lot of Physical communication such as a smile or frown, a gesture of sorts, and other bodily movements.     

What you learned from your observation such as how nonverbal cues were used and how they were interpreted;

As I was watching the members of the church, I notice that the distance between two people can interpret their persona in different ways. One seems to enjoy the sermon while the other sits with their hand in their lap with no emotions or signs of enjoying the speech.    To me it means desirability of God's word, or they are concentration on other information.  When I see two people standing side-to-side excited, then that seem to exhibits a form cooperation and collaboration between the two.  When I notice two women standing face-to-face singing praises, it showed cooperation, competition or support of each other praise.  Other postures communicate in a nonverbal tendency were folding their arms, slouching, crossing your legs, or standing and sitting erect. Other forms of nonverbal communication include shaking hands, patting the back, and hugging.  There was a lot of facial expression responding to the songs and the sermon. An example of facial expression was raising their eyebrows, yawning, sneering rolling the eyes and gaping. Everyone seems to have some feeling of joy, sadness, and no concern to the sermon.

Nuances you were more aware of having completed this week's reading

In the nuances of non-verbal communication, we have to look at the different culturesbeliefs. In some countries, simple gestures as pointing the finger to say come here are consider offensive. Pointing a finger is an Asian gesture use to call a dog. Asian and other countries use their whole hands to point to something or someone. America uses one finger to point. Another gesture that seems different is patting a child on his head, which demonstrates affection and being friendly. In Asia, they look at this gesture as inappropriate. The Middle East uses their left hand for bodily hygiene and should not touch another person with that hand. Muslim culture they believe the opposite sex is inappropriate. Finally, we are taught in America to look an individual in the eye when we speak to them, in other cultures such as Hispanic, Asian, Middle Eastern and Native America cultures they do not believe in looking a person in the eye when speaking to them. They say this is a sign of disrespect or rudeness.

Explain how you will use this experience and this week's information to more effectively communicate with other educators, administrators, parents and community members in the role of a special educator. Provide specific examples.

In the role of a special educator, I would use this tactic of nonverbal gesture to communicate instruction in class. Teachers who use nonverbal immediacy behaviors tend to build good feeling between themselves and their students, which motivates students to spend more time on the learning tasks, which, in turn, causes students to perceive that they have learned something significant. (p. 13)  When the administrator comes in, and I may direct him to pay attention to the student that is misbehaving or doing a great job, by pointing out the student or standing close to the students and make eye contact to the administrator. Schonwetter (1993) found that teachers' effective nonverbal communication improved students' selective attention to the teachers' presentation.  Non-verbal communication will be use when I need my students to do something without disturbing other students. Using selective attention can be utilized as a target toward learning the concept. I may walk next to the student and point to the object they may require or gesture with my body language. I will observe my student's body language when watching if the students understand what I am teaching or demonstrating on the board. My job will be to follow my students to see if I can read their expression of confusion, disbelief, or understanding the concepts. I will be looking for confident, self-reliant, and motivated students in my class. "Teachers who use nonverbal immediacy behaviors tend to build good feeling between themselves and their students, which motivates students to spend more time on the learning tasks, which, in turn, causes students to perceive that they have learned something significant. (p. 13) However, the most critical aspect of learning is achieving the student success in education using verbal or non-verbal communication.

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