
Post role-play reflection

In accordance with the questions and answers to the Post Role-Play Reflection below. What is your opinion for the questions below?


1) What was your role?


2) Briefly summarize the meeting. What was the result?

The meeting was predicated upon two professionals acting respectively in a professional manner. The employee set aside their emotions to talk with the manager while the manager understood that the employee was still employed, and this required for the manager to ensure that the employee felt validated and respected despite being passed over for the promotion.

3) Please rate your agreement with each statement below, and then give a brief explanation for your answer.

This meeting was successful


Yes, the meeting was a success because both parties were able to gain perspective that will ultimately result in benefiting the overall good of the company. Through the manager's use of praise for the job done by the employee as well as respect, the employee remains committed to producing quality work for the company while the employee gained perspective on areas that are needed to improve in to receive the next promotion. By improving in these areas, both the employee and manager will benefit as well as the company through increased productivity for the company and a potential promotion in the future for the employee.

We reached a fair result


Yes, because both sides will benefit through increased productivity that will emanate from this meeting wherein the employee will improve in areas that caused them to not get promoted this time while the company will benefit from the employee's increased improvement in these areas subsequently rewarding the employee with a promotion in the future.

I feel satisfied with this meeting


I've explained why the meeting was successful, and the satisfaction arises from both the employee and manager acting in a professional manner with the focus on the betterment of the company.

My partner feels satisfied with this meeting


The partner should be satisfied for similar reasons mentioned.

QUESTIONS? What is your opinion to the questions, you will post comments responding to the following questions:

a. Describe what happened when you tried to discuss the promotion with the other side, from your perspective. Was it successful?

b. Were you more concerned with distributive, procedural or interactional justice?

c. What attitudes or behaviors lead you to this conclusion?

d. Do managers and employees tend to emphasize different aspects of justice? How does that influence perceptions of fairness?

e. How can perceptions of justice affect motivation and job satisfaction)?

f. What are the implications of what you have learned from this exercise for your future actions as a manager or a leader in your organization.

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Other Management: Post role-play reflection
Reference No:- TGS01772712

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