
Post by day 3 an explanation of how completing a

Question: Premise, Prospectus, Proposal, and Dissertation

Successful completion of a dissertation requires a number of important skills that together help you to develop independent thought, judgment, and critical thinking while also providing the opportunity to contribute original ideas to existing scholarship. The dissertation requires you to research and evaluate relevant scholarly material in order to develop pertinent research questions and/or hypotheses, and design an appropriate research study to answer those questions or test the hypotheses. You will also learn to present findings in the form of a scholarly manuscript in an appropriate format. As you complete your dissertation, you will be called upon to use organizational, scholarly writing, and research skills.

As you begin this process, you may find it beneficial to review dissertations published in your field of study. This will provide you with a better understanding of the content, format and requirements of dissertation research. However, keep in mind that standards for dissertation research vary across institutions and may deviate from the expectations at Walden. In view of this, remember to also review Walden's dissertation standards/expectations when reviewing work from other institutions.

Post by Day 3 an explanation of how completing a dissertation fits into your program of study, identifying at least two potential benefits of completing your dissertation. Explain the role of the premise, prospectus, and proposal in your dissertation. Finally, list one question you would like to have answered about the guidelines in Walden's Dissertation Prospectus Guide.

READINGS: • Walden University. (2014).The dissertation guidebook.

• Walden University. (2015). Dissertation premise guide.

• Walden University. (2015). Dissertation prospectus guide.

• Walden University. (2012). Dissertation prospectus rubric.

Media: • Walden University. (Producer). (2013). Purposes of research. [Video].

Article: Choosing a Research Topic (By Richard M. Reis)

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