
Post a draft sample size analysis for your dissertation and

Post a response to the following that applies to your research methodology:

For those doing a quantitative study, in 1- to 2- paragraphs post a draft sample size analysis for your dissertation and how you will recruit your participants or obtain a secondary data set.

If you have already obtained your sample, let your fellow students know how it went and any issues you encountered.

For those doing a qualitative study, explain how many participants you will need for your study and how you will recruit your participants.

Describe the criteria you will use for participant selection. If you have already obtained your sample, let your fellow students know how it went and any issues you encountered.

For those doing a mixed method study, respond to the prompts for both the quantitative study and the qualitative study above.

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Other Subject: Post a draft sample size analysis for your dissertation and
Reference No:- TGS02350855

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