
Possible predictors select a model using forward regression

The data in this question come from From Sen and Srivastava (Exercise 2.12) [2] and can be used to model car ownership (measured in cars per person). The variables in the data set are:

AO cars per person

POP population in millions

DEN population density

GDP per capita income in U.S. dollars

PR petrol price in U.S. cents per litre

CON tonnes of petrol consumed per car per year

TR thousands of passenger kilometres per person by bus and train

This dataset carownership.dat is available

(a) Plot AO against any four of the other variables that you think might be strongly related to car ownership. Comment on the relationships you observe.

(b) Using all possible predictors select a model using forward regression.

(c) Using all possible predictors select a model using backward elimination.

(d) Exclude POP and DEN from the possible predictors to consider. Compute adjusted R^2, PRESS and Cm for all the remaining possible models (except the model with only the constant term). On the basis of this information, reduce the pool of models from 15 to a small subset for further consideration.Select a model, justifying your choice.

Austria 0.27 7.5 89 7.7 49 1.1 2.6
Belgium 0.3 9.8 323 9.8 59 1 1.6
Canada 0.42 23.5 2 8.7 17 2.8 0.1
Denmark 0.28 5.1 119 11 56 1.2 1.9
Finland 0.24 4.8 16 7.1 49 1.2 2.2
France 0.33 53.3 97 8.8 61 1 1.5
Germany 0.35 61.3 247 10.4 49 1.1 1.7
Greece 0.08 9.4 71 3.4 56 1.7 0.7
Iceland 0.34 0.2 2 9.8 57 1.2 2
Ireland 0.2 3.2 46 3.8 40 1.5 0.3
Italy 0.3 56.7 188 4.6 61 0.6 1.8
Japan 0.18 114.9 309 8.5 49 1.2 3.5
Luxembourg 0.43 0.4 138 9.8 44 1.6 0.8
Netherlands 0.3 13.9 412 9.4 56 1 1.5
New Zealand 0.4 3.1 12 5.9 34 1.3 0.2
Norway 0.28 4.1 13 9.8 61 1 1.7
Portugal 0.1 9.8 107 1.8 68 0.7 0.9
Spain 0.18 36.8 73 4 44 0.8 1.3
Sweden 0.34 8.3 18 10.6 42 1.3 1.7
Switzerland 0.32 6.3 153 13.3 56 1.3 2
Turkey 0.014 42.7 55 1.2 36 3.3 0.1
U.K. 0.27 55.8 229 5.5 35 1.2 1.6
U.S.A. 0.53 218.2 23 9.7 17 2.7 0.3
Yugoslavia 0.09 22 86 2.1 40 1.1 2.1

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Basic Statistics: Possible predictors select a model using forward regression
Reference No:- TGS0745145

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