Prepare a report:
You are an employee at a marketing firm. Your manager has approached you to discuss the possibility of the company beginning to use Social Media Technology and its inclusion into the marketing strategy ofthe business.
You have been asked you to prepare a report on how social media technology is used in marketing.
Using the following paper as a starting point, prepare a report on the topic.
This report should discuss the following:
1. How social media technology is already being incorporated into the marketing strategies of businesses.
2. How it might be changing the way companies communicate with their customer base.
3. How companies handle feedback from their customer base.
4. The Pros and Cons ofthe technology.
This is a research essay (report) and requires you to research from books, journals, conference papers, etc. and reference them to make your case. You will require at least 10 references, 5 or more from peer reviewed journals.