
Positive psychotherapy ppt developed by seligman and his

Question 30

Positive psychotherapy (PPT), developed by Seligman and his colleagues to treat depression,

emphasizes the importance of approach, rather than avoidance, goals.

is based on Fredrickson's broaden and build theory of positive emotions.

follows Carol Ryff's eudaimonic model of psychological well-being.

is build on developing people's signature strengths by encouraging virtuous behavior.

Question 31

The virtue of transcendence

connects the individual to larger and deeper meanings of life.

means the same thing as religious.

is a perquisite for wisdom.

is the basis of both justice and temperance.

Question 32

As shown in national surveys over the last 50 years, what percentage of Americans said they believed in God or a higher power?

about 30%

about 50%

about 75%

over 90%

Question 33

According to the "control theory" model of human self-regulation, what determines whether people feel good or bad as they work to achieve their goals?

how close or how far away they are from goal achievement

whether a goal is easy or hard to achieve

the rate of progress towards goal achievement

whether they are confident or doubtful about succeeding

Question 34

Self-discrepancy theory describes self-regulation as a process involving on-going comparisons between a person's

actual, ideal, and ought self

past, present, and future goals.

present and desired future accomplishments.

own goals and accomplishments and those of his/her reference group.

Question 35

As shown in Watson's research, the strongest predictive component and the most defining feature of happiness within the subjective well-being conception is

life satisfaction.

negative affect.

positive affect.


Question 36

The control theory model of self-regulation is based on the idea of feedback loops used to control some process relative to a particular reference point. An example would be the way

a cars accelerator controls the speed of a car.

a thermostat on a home furnace controls house temperature.

water seeks its own level.

computer software controls what a computer can do.

Question 37

According to the research by Van Boven and Gilovich, many of the negative effects of materialism can be reduced if people would

give more money to charities that help others lead a better life.

make more experiential purchases that involve new experiences and learning opportunities.

reduce their "wants" to actual needs.

Question 38

Gollwitzer's distinction between goal intentions and implementation intentions has to do with the difference between

desire and a definite plan of action.

wishful thinking and marshalling necessary resources.

planning before and after the fact.

lost and renewed commitment.

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